About The Instructor

PURUSHA HICKSON: Founder and Director of Stretch for Success,  began his yoga training in1975 under Bhakti Yoga master Swamini Turiyasangitanandaji. Swamini is the founder, and spiritual anchor of The Vedantic Center, and Sai Anantam Ashram. Under her direction, Purusha practiced and taught the Integral Yoga method of Swami Satchidananda.

In 1985, while teaching at the Wellness Center in Westlake Village, one of Purusha’s colleagues was Suza Francina. Suza’s excellence in teaching and her heartfelt commitment to yoga inspired him to investigate the teachings of Hatha Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar. Shortly thereafter, he was introduced to Manuso Manas, a renowned senior Iyengar teacher. Purusha’s appreciation and study of Iyengar Yoga is ongoing. In 2008 he had the opportunity to go to Pune, India and study directly with the Iyengars.

In 1995, he journeyed to India and studied for four months with the acclaimed Ashtanga Vinyasa master Sri Patabhi Jois.

Drawing from these streams as well as from the deeper spiritual training he received from Swamini Turiyasangitanandaji, his yoga classes are eclectic.

Purusha’s aim in teaching teachers is to assist them in finding their unique voice. He encourages them to learn and present excellent technique balanced with the richness of their own experience and connection with Spirit.  

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